Çelim Yıldızhan, Research & Ideas

About Me

My name is Çelim Yıldızhan. I earned my PhD in finance at the University of Michigan in 2011 and my thesis focused on better understanding the pricing of default risk in equity markets. Since then I have broadened my interests to study supplier-customer links, impact of organizational complexity on pricing, household finance and impact of relative performance evaluation contracts on firm outcomes. I served as an Assistant Professor of Finance at the Terry College of Business at the University of Georgia from 2011 to 2019. In December 2019, I joined Koç University in İstanbul, Turkey as an Assistant Professor of Accounting and Finance. As of Fall 2024 I am serving as an Assistant Professor of Finance at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas on leave from Koç University.

Published and Forthcoming Papers (Most recent first)

​“Do Individual Investors Ignore Transaction Costs?” January 2024, Forthcoming at the Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis (with Xue Snow Han and Deniz Anginer), Online Appendix for the JFQA paper (FT50; ABS: 4; Business, Finance SSCI Q1)

Firm Complexity and Post-Earnings-Announcement Drift,” Review of Accounting Studies: ​March 2024, Vol. 29, No. 1, pp. 527–579 (with Alexander Barinov and Shawn Saeyeul Park) (FT50; ABS: 4; Business, Finance SSCI Q1)

“Is there a Distress Risk Anomaly? Pricing of Systematic Default Risk in the Cross Section of Equity Returns,” Review of Finance: March 2018, Vol. 22, No. 2, pp. 633–660 (with Deniz Angıner) (FT50; ABS: 4; Business, Finance SSCI Q1)

“Customer-base concentration, profitability and the relationship life cycle,”
The Accounting Review: May 2016, Vol. 91, No. 3, pp. 883-906 (with Paul Irvine and Shawn Saeyeul Park) (FT50; ABS: 4*; Business, Finance SSCI Q1)

Working Papers (Most recent first)

Relative Performance Evaluation and Contagion in Financial Reporting Quality” (with Deniz Anginer, Paul Irvine and Jinjing Liu)

​“Trade Transparency and Management Earnings Forecasts​​“ (with Deniz Anginer and Xue Snow Han)

It's personal, not strictly business: The role of personal relationships in the supply chain (with Deniz Anginer, Paul Ivine and Ray Zhang)


SSRN [Celim Yildizhan @ SSRN ])
Google Scholar [Celim Yildizhan @ Google Scholar ])